KGC Honeyed Ginseng Slices 20g x 12 Pouches


Available on backorder

Produced by drying and packaging the 6 year old red ginseng roots sliced after preserving them in the honey so that they can be conveniently and deliciously consumed whenever and wherever appropriate.


Produced by drying and packaging the 6 year old red ginseng roots sliced after preserving them in the honey so that they can be conveniently and deliciously consumed whenever and wherever appropriate.


Direction Of Use

Take it at your convenience. Included in the box, is a package sticker to tightly seal leftovers packs to maintain freshness.

Additional Information

Chinese: 將六年根紅參用韓國產蜂蜜浸漬後幹燥進行包裝,隨時隨地方便服用的紅參產品。作爲一款便攜式的產品,對於不喜歡苦味的消費者也是絕佳的選擇。


Korean: 6년근 홍삼을 국산 벌꿀에 절인 후 건조시켜 포장하여 언제, 어디서나 간편하고 맛있게 홍삼을 드실 수 있도록 만든 상품입니다. 손쉽게 휴대 가능한 상품으로 홍삼의 쓴맛이 부담스러운 분들도 맛있게 즐길 수 있습니다.

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