KGC Hong Cheon Woong Geon 2100ml


An ideal product for mid-aged males experiencing chronic fatigue due to smoking, drinking, overwork, and stress: Increases vitality, prevent debilitating effects of ageing.

To promote greater stamina, high quality ingredients including five energy-boosting herbs (rubus coreanus miquel, astragalus complanatus, Chinese matrimony vine, torilis japonica, dodder), odorless garlic, and maca powder is blended with 6-year old red ginseng concentrate.

An ideal product for mid-aged males experiencing chronic fatigue due to smoking, drinking, overwork, and stress: Increases vitality, prevent debilitating effects of ageing.

To promote greater stamina, high quality ingredients including five energy-boosting herbs (rubus coreanus miquel, astragalus complanatus, Chinese matrimony vine, torilis japonica, dodder), odorless garlic, and maca powder is blended with 6-year old red ginseng concentrate.

Packaging & Direction Of Use

Volume: 70ml*30 Pouches

Consume one pouch a day 1日1次, 1次1包

Additional Information

Chinese: 爲改善因壓力造成的中年男性肉體、精神上的疲勞,將六年根紅參濃縮液和被稱爲高原人參的“紅景天”作爲主料,再加入枸杞子、黃芪、覆盆子、五味子、鹿茸、枳椇子等傳統藥材作爲輔料精制而成的產品。

Korean: 스트레스로 인한 중년 남성의 육체적, 정신적 피로를 개선시키기 위해 6년근 홍삼농축액과 고원인삼이라고 불리는 희귀한 ‘홍경천’을 기본으로, 구기자・황기・복분자・오미자・녹용・헛개나무 열매 등 전통소재를 부원료로 넣어 만든 상품입니다.

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