Nature’s Top Medi Manuka Honey MGO263 PLUS Ivy Leaf 450ml


Availability: 4 in stock (can be backordered)

A convenient honey stick for a simple and healthy lifestyle. Considered a nature’s gift the “Manuka Honey PLUS Ivy Leaf” may help boost bronchial immunity and antioxidant and anti-inflammatory benefits  for healthy start to your day!

A convenient honey stick for a simple and healthy lifestyle. Considered a nature’s gift the “Manuka Honey PLUS Ivy Leaf” may help boost bronchial immunity and antioxidant and anti-inflammatory benefits  for healthy start to your day!

Packaging & Direction Of Use

Volume: 15ml x 30 straws (450ml)

Directions: preferably consume on an empty stomach in the morning. It can diluted in warm or spread on bread to consume.

Country of Manufacture: Australia

Warning: not suitable for children under the age 1, please advise medical advice and recommendation before consumption.

Additional Information

Nature’s Bio Technology uses only the finest and the freshest ingredients, gathered from the uncontaminated vast fields of Australia and New Zealand to produce their natural health functional food.

Our products are manufactured under the strict prescription and quality management of the TGA (Therapeutic Goods Administration), the Australian Food and medicine department.


영양기능정보: 박테리아 과증식 예방, 위산 역류 예방, 여드름과 습진 치료에 도움. 인후통 개선 및 면역력 강화 과민성 대장 증후군, 염증성 잘 질환 치료와 예방에 도움 아이비엽: 진해거담 효능으로 기관지와 폐건강에 도움 생강: 소화를 원활하게 하며 항염, 항산화 효과로 각종 염증완화에 도움.

섭취량, 섭취방법: 공복에 1-2 티스푼 씩 경구 섭취 물 혹은 차 등에 타서 섭취 빵 혹은 치즈 등에 발라서 섭취

섭취시 주의사항: 1세 미만 영유아,임신, 수유부나 다른 의약품을 복용 하시는 분은 섭취 전 전문가와 상담 후 섭취 하여 주십시요.

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