Nature’s Top Eucalyptus Propolis 3000mg 365 capsules


Availability: 6 in stock (can be backordered)

Title Range Discount
Purchase 3+ 3 - 5 10%
Purchase 6+ 6 + 15%

Propolis is used in construction and protection of hives because Propolis is a strong antibacterial agent against viruses, fungi and bacteria. Propolis capsules are an easy and convenient way to take propolis.
These easy to swallow capsules are beneficial to your body in the maintenance and improvement of general well being.

AUST L 221794

Propolis is used in construction and protection of hives because Propolis is a strong antibacterial agent against viruses, fungi and bacteria. Propolis capsules are an easy and convenient way to take propolis.
These easy to swallow capsules are beneficial to your body in the maintenance and improvement of general well being.

AUST L 221794

Direction Of Use

  • Consume 1 capsule daily after a meal, or as directed by healthcare practitioner
  • Children, pregnant or breastfeeding women, and those with  heart condition or surgery should seek medical advice before consuming this product
  • Store below 30 degrees in a cool and dry place.

Additional Information

Korean: 네이쳐스 탑 프로폴리스는 100% 호주산 프로폴리스를 농축하여 제조된 플라노보이드 성분이 풍부한 천연 항생 항균제입니다. 고농축하여 제조된 플라노보이드 성분이 풍부한 고함량의 프로폴리스를 복용하면 면역기능을 향상시켜 감기나 질병에 걸리기 쉬운 체질을 강한 체질로 개선 시켜줍니다. 부작용 없는 천연 항균 항생제 입니다.

Chinese: 丰含黄铜的纯天然抗生抗菌药物. 蜂胶是熟练的工蜂用它们的唾液作用于树木成长点上的 树脂, 以防蜂巢遭受病毒, 细菌感染而产生的特殊物质. Nature’s Wonder 蜂胶软胶囊是高浓缩的丰含黄铜的纯天然 抗生抗菌药物. 服用蜂胶可增强体质, 预防感冒等疾病.
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