This product is specifically formulated to help women during menopause. Produced by using the concentrated extract from 6 year old red ginseng roots with Herbal mixture extract including Chinese peony roots, Bamboo leaf extract, Poria root, Angelica gigs nakai, and deer antlers.
Availability: 1 in stock (can be backordered)
This product is specifically formulated to help women during menopause. Produced by using the concentrated extract from 6 year old red ginseng roots with Herbal mixture extract including Chinese peony roots, Bamboo leaf extract, Poria root, Angelica gigs nakai, and deer antlers.
Packaging & Direction Of Use
Volume: 70ml*30 Pouches
Consume one pouch a day 1日1次, 1次1包
Additional Information
Chinese: 專為更年期女性而設計的特殊配方。采用韓國六年根高麗參為主要成分,加入芍藥,竹藥,苻苓,當歸和鹿茸為原料,精製而成的產品。
Korean: 6년근 홍삼농축액을 기본으로 작약, 대나무잎, 복령, 백출, 참당귀, 녹용 등 고품질의 전통원료를 부 원료로 넣어 만든 건강기능식품으로 홍삼과 기능성 성분의 효과를 동시에 얻을 수 있는 건강기능식품입니다.
This product is especially good for
-Women who need management of menopuouse due to a decrease in female hormones.
-Pre-menopausal Women to keep women health
-A smooth regulation of physiological cycles
-A good gift for middle-age women
-a healthy social life & married life