KGC I-Pass H (Higher students) 1500ml


Availability: 3 in stock (can be backordered)

I-Pass Higher students: 18+ young adults.

This is a medicinal herb drink ideal for adolescents who need a boost in immunity and stamina from work stress as well as for tired students in need of energy and focus. Blending the extract of six-year-old red ginseng with health-promoting ingredients such as mixed vegetable concentrate, vitamins(B and C), and bilberry extract.


I-Pass Higher students: 18+ young adults.

This is a medicinal herb drink ideal for adolescents who need a boost in immunity and stamina from work stress as well as for tired students in need of energy and focus. Blending the extract of six-year-old red ginseng with health-promoting ingredients such as mixed vegetable concentrate, vitamins(B and C), and bilberry extract.


Volume & Direction Of Use

Volume: 50ml x 30 Pouches

Consume one pouch a day 1日1次, 1次1包

Additional Information

Chinese:High Teenager以六年根紅參作爲主原料,再加入黃芪、朝鮮當歸、燕麥、氨基酸等(輔料)配伍制成的產品,有助於增強免疫力、緩解疲勞、強化記憶力。

Korean:High Teenager 6년근 홍삼을 주원료로 황기・참당귀・귀리・아미노산 등(부원료)을 조화시켜 만든 상품으로 면역력 증진・피로개선・기억력 개선에 도움을 줄 수 있는 상품입니다.


Red ginseng concentrate(6-years-grown, solids 60%, Ginsenoside Rg1+Rb1+Rg3 5.5mg/g, Korean) 7.0% (raw material mixing ratio:red ginseng body75%, red ginseng radicle25%), Purified water, Vegetal Mix concentrate{Hwanggi(Korean), Angelica(Korean), Wolfiporia, jujube, Bamboo leaves}, Cyclotrichine syrup, Palatinos, Crystalline fructose, Galactooligosaccharide(milk), Pear concentrate(Korean), Cyclodextrin, Brown rice embryo fermented extract powder, Natural herb flavour, Shell fermented organic acid calcium(milk), Bilberry concentrate Powder, Yeast extract powder, Vitamin C Xanthan gum, Vitamin B6 hydrochloride, Vitamin B1 hydrochloride, Vitamin

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