Offered in the form of pills in the range of reasonable prices and produced from the blending of concentrated extract of red ginseng (main component), oligosaccharide and dietary fibres.
Availability: 1 in stock (can be backordered)
Offered in the form of pills in the range of reasonable prices and produced from the blending of concentrated extract of red ginseng (main component), oligosaccharide and dietary fibres.
Offered in the form of pills in the range of reasonable prices and produced from the blending of concentrated extract of red ginseng (main component), oligosaccharide and dietary fibres.
Volume: 168g
Consume 3 times a day, 5 pills a time
Chinese: 紅參濃縮液(主原料)和低聚糖、膳食纖維相配合,制成的丸劑產品,服用方便,價格合理。
Korean: 홍삼농축액(주원료)과 올리고당 및 식이섬유를 배합하여 환(丸) 형태로 만들어 섭취가 간편하고 합리적인 가격대의 홍삼 상품입니다.
red ginseng concentrate(6-years-grown, solids 64%, Ginsenoside Rg1+Rb1+Rg3 4 mg/g, Korean) 36.15% (raw material mixing ratio : red ginseng body 70%, red ginseng radicle 30%), Rice flour(Korean), Crystalline cellulose, fructooligosaccharide, Glutinous rice flour(Korean), Vitamin C Vitamin E